I was asked to attend the BHS North West Camp at the fabulous Aintree Racecourse. I think it is fair to say that a good time was had by all. Campers had some great lessons with some brilliant instructors in amazing surroundings with beautiful weather. I was there giving help, advice and mini consultations to those who wanted it (not treatments as there was not enough time and no veterinary referral). Some lovely horses and riders of varying levels, everyone was really friendly I would highly recommend to anyone wanting a good all round camp to attend with lots going on. The BHS is a great charity and it is getting better and better all the time. As I am a BHS registered instructor if you want to join the BHS you can now do it through me. As a member the biggest benefit is the free public liability and personal accident insurance and the free legal helpline, well worth the membership fee you couldn’t buy the insurance cheaper than the membership cost and it is really comprehensive. You never know when your horse is going to cause an accident, accidentally hurt someone or yourself so at least you know you are covered. Plus all the other benefits too, free/discounted tickets to big events, regional events, access to education, BHS magazine, & more. If you want anymore information let me know next time I’m at your yard. Keep an eye on when the next camp will be. If you are organising a camp of any description for adults, children, various disciplines, various levels and you would like me to attend for a talk, demo, painted horse, consultations etc. let me know well in advance so can get it booked in.
Pictures below courtesy of Brian Heyes Photography
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